Frequently asked questions

DigitalLeaf.shop is an online marketplace where creators can sell and distribute digital products such as eBooks, SVG files, software, design templates, courses, and more. Buyers can purchase these products instantly and download them from our platform.

We offer a wide range of digital products, including:

  • E-books and PDFs
  • Software and scripts
  • Graphic design assets (templates, icons, SVG files, etc.)
  • Video and audio files (courses, music, stock footage)
  • Website themes and plugins
  • Online courses

Digital products are non-physical items that can be purchased and downloaded online. These can include files such as eBooks, design templates, software, courses, music, and more. After purchasing a digital product on Digitalleaf.shop, you can download it directly to your device and use it according to the product's description and license terms. Some products may require specific software to open or edit, such as Adobe Illustrator for design templates or PDF readers for eBooks.

To purchase a product:

  1. Browse our marketplace and choose the product you want.
  2. Add the product to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  3. Complete the payment process through one of our secure payment options.
  4. Once payment is successful, the product will be available for instant download in your account.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit/Debit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
  • PayPal
  • Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.)

Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive a link to download your product. The download link will also be available in your account under My Purchases. Simply log in to your account and access your downloads at any time.

Yes! Once you've purchased a product, you can re-download it at any time from your account. Just head to My Purchases to find your download links.

Each product may have its own licensing terms, so it's important to check the product page for any specific restrictions. Generally, you can use the products (including SVG files) for personal or commercial purposes, but redistribution, reselling, or sharing without permission is prohibited.

If you experience any issues with your download:

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection.
  • Try using a different browser.
  • Clear your browser cache. If the problem persists, please contact our support team at support@digitalleaf.shop, and we will assist you.

Due to the nature of digital products, we generally do not offer refunds once a purchase is complete. However, if you encounter issues such as corrupt files, incomplete downloads, or if the product does not match its description, please reach out to our support team within 7 days of purchase, and we'll be happy to help resolve the issue.

Yes! We welcome creators to join our marketplace and sell their digital products. To become a seller:

  1. Register for an account.
  2. Apply to become a seller through your account dashboard.
  3. Once approved, you can upload your products (including SVG files), set pricing, and start selling!

Sellers on DigitalLeaf.shop can receive payments through:

  • PayPal
  • Direct bank transfer
  • Cryptocurrency (upon request)

Payments are processed once per month, and you can track your earnings via your seller dashboard.

Absolutely. We take security seriously and use industry-standard encryption to protect your payment and personal information. All transactions are processed through secure payment gateways to ensure the safety of your data.

You can contact our support team by emailing us at support@digitalleaf.shop or by using the contact form on our website. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.

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